Remote Code Execution as a Service: A Privilege Escalation Journey
“Mess with the best, die like the REST!"
— Dade ‘Zero Cool’ Murphy, ‘Hackers’
Information security is sick! Having said that, it’s also a rather intimidating affair for me personally. There are so many things to learn, so many subcategories to discover and so many people specializing in only a subset of even those.
I never quite knew when to take the plunge and finally start looking at real software. Watching endless hours of conference talks and reading endless pages of books and articles simply doesn’t result in more experience in the field. Just in more knowledge, I guess. In the end, I became lulled into thinking that I’m on the right track, while in reality I’ve just avoided the struggles of actually putting all this knowledge into practice.
There is a lot of motivational content geared towards beginners that can be summed up as: “Just do it!” No shit, huh? It sounds trite, but it’s also: true.
So just doing it we will!
This article is about what I can do with my current skills, the will to learn and some time on my hands. Oh and spoilers: The stars aligned in what can only be described as a really pleasant first exposure to pentesting / red teaming
. Because this time we’re not fiddling with binaries. No, no, no! We’re leaving our ivory tower in order to learn about high-level privilege escalation stuff on Windows
. Enjoy!
While the issues described in this article are unaltered, I hesitate to call them vulnerabilities per se. More like questionable design decisions combined with configuration issues. Of course I’m going to report those to the vendor. However, I don’t think they’ll change their overall design. That’s why I’ve altered all the specific information (endpoints, names of executables and directories etc). Look, I’m new to this. I don’t want to throw shade on anyone. If I get noticed of fixes, I’ll update the article accordingly.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter too much, because the vendor specific stuff is only a segue into our exploration of the field.
The starting point of this little privilege escalation journey was actually an endpoint. Here’s a little backstory for context: I have to interface with a vendor’s REST API
. The API
accompanies their main product, which is a document management software in the broadest sense. Every instance is self-hosted inside a customer’s network on a dedicated machine (there are other components besides the REST API
). For local development I’ve got a virtual machine at hand.
Some endpoints of said API
follow the conventions you’ve come to expect. The following example uses a random public REST API
that returns some juicy JSON
We send a (HTTP GET
) request to /posts
and we receive a list of all posts. So far, so good. What if we want a specific post? Well, we get more specific:
That’s REST 101
out of the way. You can now argue whether one should use PATCH or PUT.
But what else does our infamous API
have to offer? As I’ve said, we have a few conventional endpoints similar to our examples from above. But we also have this catch-all monstrosity:
Look at it. Just look at it! 🤯
Let’s unpack the body of our POST
request: First we have an outer array that contains exactly one object, which itself contains a single key-value-pair.
The real insanity starts with the value:
That’s a C#
query expression written in method syntax
1. Actually, it’s a complete expression lambda, written as a sweet and innocent string!
Too many programmy words? Well, it basically means we can supply an (almost) arbitrary function that gets run in the context of the API Server
. The existing documentation only shows legitimate search and filter use cases, but we’re not fooled! This API
provides Remote Code Execution as a Service, or RCEaaS (™️) for short!
We can only speculate what the decisions behind this design are, but I’ve never come across anything like it before. At the very least this endpoint requires a valid user account for said software product, but that’s not worth much in a moderately sized company.
This design screams misuse, but let’s quickly find some positives:
Because we have total control over the lambda
, we could shape the response before it’s send, like:
The final Select()
in the chain applies some transformation to every item that was found (in our case only one, since we specified an unique id). In the above example, we create a new anonymous type with only a handful of fields.
This way of querying data bears remarkable resemblance to a more commonly known API-query-language-system-thingy: GraphQL. An API
of the GraphQL
variety also provides a single endpoint and lets the caller decide what data gets included in the response.
I don’t know when exactly our private vendor contrived their API
, but they could be called pioneers, I guess. If only there wasn’t this little thing called arbitrary code execution.
But while it’s always easy to be dismissive of something, let’s first see what we can actually achieve with this primitive.
Where Am I?
Before testing this, I had no idea in what context our code gets executed. Surely there must be some kind of sandbox that blocks most calls. A whitelist that does indeed only allow for searching and filtering. Anything.
It turns out: Nope. There are hurdles, but nothing intentional as far as I can tell.
Let’s start exploring by trying to acquire some information about the environment. We call the API
via curl
and pipe the result into jq
for better readability:
Wow, that’s big data! Look at that super secret api key2 just hanging out in line 38! As a side note: We have to include something from the objects that get passed to Select()
into our anonymous object
, otherwise the whole response will be empty. In this case we simply used the Id
in line 10.
While certainly a treasure trove of information, we can do better: Let’s execute big code. Remember that we talked about expression lambdas
above? Following the link reveals the second form of C#
anonymous functions: statement lambdas
. Instead of an expression on the right side of the lambda declaration operator =>
, we now write an arbitrary number of statements enclosed in braces. The final statement of the block can be a return statement
, which lets us shape the response just as before.
But why go through the hassle? Well, we can now write any code we please inside the braces. That’s a lot more ergonomic than solely relying on anonymous types for custom code. Let’s see it in action:
It turns out that the .AsEnumerable()
in line 8 is key here. From this point on, the following LINQ
lines operate on an in-memory collection, as opposed to translating the whole query expression into a SQL
statement. Otherwise, we would be limited to expression lambdas
. I don’t fully understand the details, but it has something to do with how our queries get compiled down the line.
The Microsoft
docs have this to say:
"Query expressions can be compiled to expression trees or to delegates, depending on the type that the query is applied to.
IEnumerable<T> queries are compiled to delegates. IQueryable and IQueryable<T> queries are compiled to expression trees.
For more information, see Expression trees."
"You can't use statement lambdas to create expression trees."
In the end, all that matters is that thicc code we are now able to write. Let’s try reading some files, shall we? But before we do so, we have to answer an essential question:
Who Am I?
we’re talking to is an Internet Information Services (IIS)
hosted .NET Framework
application written in C#
. The IIS
part is the most interesting bit here, because it will run our code. Let’s do a little research:
server allows for different applications to run in separate contexts, called Application Pools
. Each Application Pool
gets assigned its own worker process
(when the first requests is made to the application), which processes the incoming requests3.
Older versions of IIS
relied on the service account NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService, which is predefined on Windows
operating systems. This means every worker process
inherited the privileges of said account. And those are pretty low. Still, more separation is always better! So starting from IIS 7.5
on Windows Server 2008 R2
, every Application Pool
gets assigned its own identity4. Which should still be pretty low privileged, but we shall see what we can do with it!
Reading documentation is always fun, but we can also easily ask the server who we are. Environment.UserDomainName
and Environment.UserName
hold the necessary information, which will result in something like: IIS APPPOOL\<Application Pool Name>
Reading Files the Easy Way
If you want to read files the hard way, you’ve come to the wrong place5. We’re all about comfort here! That’s why we simply use the C#
standard library to do the job:
It worked! And they get neatly Base64
encoded, too! How nice of them.
But hold on! What does the global::
in line 12 do? Basically it’s a combination of the global namespace alias
and the namespace alias qualifier. Look, accessing DLLs
is weird inside our little statement lambda
thingys. I don’t know what the surrounding code brought into scope. Simply accessing the System DLLs
(think libc
) didn’t work, so I experimented with it until I stumbled upon this solution. We still can’t reach everything under the System
namespace, but we’re going to worry about that later when trying to obtain information from the outside.
So can we read any file?
Of course not! We are bound to things low-privileged users can do. Maybe we get lucky and our Application Pool User
got assigned to an Access Control List of an interesting directory or file. While certainly possible (think of a web application that accesses shared resources on a Network File System
), it’s quite unlikely that someone went out of their way to give our Application Pool
access to C:\Windows\system32
or something equally interesting.
The end?
Misconfiguration as an Exploitation Vector
I knew nothing about Windows
privilege escalation before playing around with this API
, so naturally I searched around the Internet. Apart from some great talks (see Acknowledgements
at the end of the article), I stumbled upon one thing: Lists. Oh boy, as soon as one enters the Windows
world there are lists upon lists. Misconfiguration checklists, to be precise.
We don’t need a fancy 0-day
to run our own code. Those most certainly have their place, but it’s way easier for someone like me to find configuration issues as opposed to doing the stuff James Forshaw does.
We’re going to cheat a bit and do our reconnaissance inside the actual VM
, instead of treating it like a black box. There’s no need to waste time on ideas that lead nowhere, if we have full access to the environment. Later we’re looking into ways of obtaining the same information from the outside.
In the beginning I’ve stated that our private vendor provides more components than only the REST API
. Naturally, they live in different parts of the file system. Some libraries are scattered around the Global Assembly Cache, configuration files are located inside a C:\Program Files
subdirectory and so on.
But what I’ve also noticed quite a few times is a dedicated partition for many other things, like their services. Let’s look at the permissions of that partition, maybe something went wrong:

Alright, so a normal user (“Benutzer”, entschuldigung!) has some permissions. They cannot, however, write to the partition. But what are those Special permissions
“Advanced” clicked:
“View” clicked:
“Show advanced permissions” clicked:
So many goddamn clicks, no wonder the special permissions are a common misconfiguration vector. I haven’t investigated why they are set in our case. Maybe some installer sets them or maybe it happens by default when creating a partition under Windows
. If it’s the installer by the vendor, then we’re going to have a talk!
Anyway, those permissions allow us to write files into arbitrary locations on that partition, because the permissions are inherited by every subdirectory. And you know what? In one of those directories resides a service binary of the vendor. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? That binary runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, which is basically root
It’s almost to good to be true to have so many mysterious coincidences. But reading around I’ve gotten the picture that those types of issues are quite common in the Windows
Enough permissive talk, how do we go about exploiting this machine?
The most basic idea is to overwrite to service binary. We could simply create a malicious one that does evil things and watch the world burn, as it’s executed as SYSTEM
. But, haha, not so fast! Because the service is currently running, the binary is write-protected. Maybe there’s a way to crash the service and quickly switch out the binary, but that’s too much work for my taste.
If we could trick the service binary into running our own code, we would be golden. But how do we tackle this? The service is conveniently written in C++
, so there might be some memory corruption going on. That’s way above my pay grade, though, so we do what we do best: Injecting code.
DLL Hijacking
Almost every program uses some third-party library functions. Those are provided by a Dynamic Link Library (DLL
) in the Windows
world. Well, provided by numerous DLLs
. There’s a well-defined search order for those. If we were able to plant a malicious DLL
somewhere before the legitimate one in the search path, we would win! Most of the well-known locations are only writable by privileged accounts, but in our case we can plant a DLL
directly next to the service binary. This happens to be the very first location in the search order.
Simply overwriting a DLL
that’s used would fail for the same reason as above: It, too, is write-protected when loaded into the service process. Fortunately, we find a reference to VERSION.DLL
6, which is not present in the binaries own directory.
I said that we’d win as soon as we would be able to plant a malicious DLL
. But what actually needs to happen for our own code to run?
can have an optional entry point called DllMain
. If we provide one, it will get called automatically upon loading of the DLL
. It’s a similar concept to GCC's
constructor attribute.
There seem to be “significant limits on what you can safely do in a DLL entry point”, according to the Microsoft
docs. In order to keep it simple, our payload will only execute a batch file
that we can plant via the REST API
Here’s the code for the DLL
Most of this is boilerplate found in the documentation. Our Payload()
function simply spawns a new process that executes our script via cmd.exe
. What does our script do?
We simply create a new user and add it to the admin group as a proof of concept.
After compiling the DLL
(we’ll get there in a minute), we would write it and the script into the directory that contains the service binary. And then we’d have to wait until someone or something decides to restart the service, because those DLLs
are not automatically loaded once present.
Hold on! Our DLL
barely contains any code. I specifically selected the one with the least used functions, but chances are our service would still crash while starting up, because it’s looking for functions that we simply don’t provide. Maybe our payload would run, maybe not. It would be quite suspicious and fairly easy to pin point in any case.
What we need is a mechanism similar to the dynamic redirection we did previously on Linux
via dlsym()
. In other words, we need a way of proxying calls to the original DLL
Enter DLL Proxying
. I won’t go over the details, as someone else did a fantastic job already. At this point there’s no benefit of deep-diving into the specifics, as it boils down to some arcane linker
directives. Following the steps laid out in the repository is just fine.
With that, we now have three files to drop:
- the original
- the malicious
(which also acts as a proxy) - the payload.bat script
Dropping itself is as simple as storing the files as Base64
encoded strings inline in the request and calling something like:
File.WriteAllBytes(@"D:\path", Convert.FromBase64String(dllString))
After doing so, let’s manually simulate a service restart:
The first net users
shows no sign of us, but after stopping and starting the service we suddenly own this machine! What a great feeling.
An Outsider’s Perspective
While having pwned the machine, there’s still an 🐘 in the room: Obtaining the necessary information about the environment (directory permissions, running services etc.) from the outside.
All of the above examples rely on libraries that are already in scope in some way. They may have been imported directly by the code that handles our query. Or they come as part of the Base Class Library. We had to specify the global
namespace to get a hold of some, but others are simply not present. Most notably we cannot spawn our own processes, for which we need System.Diagnostics.Process
To work around this issue, we’re again going to compile our own library with the necessary imports and functionality. Only this time we won’t drop any files!
The idea is to provide a generic function that simply spawns a PowerShell
process with a command of our choosing:
As we can see, we create a powershell.exe
process with some options set, capture its redirected output and return the resulting string. Line 8 is the interesting one here, because we use the -encoded
switch. It allows us to pass a Base64
encoded command, which saves us the headaches from dealing with quotation marks and escaped symbols. It’s also pretty sneaky, right?
While there should be a way of compiling the library on Linux
, I’ve opted for using the Visual Studio
“Class Library (.NET Framework)” project template. After having compiled the Dll
, we need a way of dynamically loading it into our context and call its method.
We can achieve this via Reflection, which provides the functionality to load an assembly
(e.g. our Dll
), obtain information about its classes and in the end invoke its methods. All at runtime. That sounds amazing and scary at the same time! Let’s see it in action:
There’s quite a lot to unpack here, so let’s get to it:
First, we inline our Base64'ed
, so that we can load it in line 12 via a call to Assembly.Load()
. There are other overloads for said method that take a path, or a fully qualified name. I’m genuinely curious about the use cases of loading from an inline byte array ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Next, we define a command for retrieving the service location in line 16. Again in Base64
, so that we don’t have to deal with escaping quotation marks 7.
Afterwards, we loop over every defined type in our Dll
, which is only our static CommandExecution
class from above. I have, however, not looked into a way of getting rid of the loop. Anyway, we retrieve the Execute()
method and invoke it in line 21 with an object
array containing our command as the sole argument.
Finally, we receive our result in line 33. That’s amazing!
We’re not going over every command needed for information gathering here. Now that we have a way of executing arbitrary shell commands on the machine, it’s only a matter of time until we get a good grasp of the environment.
And just like that we took over a Windows
box over the network. To recap:
We discovered a fishy REST API
endpoint of a document management software. In order to make requests, we only needed an account, privileges didn’t matter. Said endpoint basically runs arbitrary code for us. A combination of a poorly placed and authorized service executable and way too permissive access rights opened the door for a DLL Hijacking
We created a malicious DLL
that executed a script we planted while also proxying calls to the legitimate DLL
. This way, everything continued running as expected.
Upon restarting the service, our malicious payload ran, which created a new local administrator account. It could have been anything, though. Creating reverse shells, tinkering with the registry, installing keyloggers or mimkatzing some domain passwords. You name it.
We took some shortcuts in our reconnaissance phase, in order to quickly iterate on ideas before settling on one. Finally we showed how the necessary information could be obtained from outside. We overcame the hurdle of not being able to create new processes by loading our own DLL
dynamically at runtime, giving us a little insight into the Reflection
system of the .NET
Overall I’m really happy with this experiment. It was very much a “learning as we’re going” experience. Which is the best kind of learning experience for me.
I hope I could shed some light on the world of Windows
pentesting and red teaming without mentioning Kali Linux
one billion times. Thank you so much for reading!
Resources and Acknowledgments
- This talk by Jake Williams. A great introduction to
privilege escalation techniques. - DLL Hijacking Guide by tothi. Thanks for not making me work through all the linker details!
- The
documentation. While certainly hit or miss and notoriously hard to comb through, they helped immensely this time.
As opposed to query syntax. ↩︎
Here’s your friendly reminder that environment variables are not a safe place to store secrets. ↩︎
It’s not as straightforward to obtain the imports of a binary as it is on
. In the end, I simply loaded the .exe intoGhidra
and looked at the “Symbol Tree”. ↩︎At first, I’ve simply used the amazing CyberChef to encode the command. It turns out that this will trip up
, as it’s expecting anUnicode
string. To make it work, we have to encode our command toUTF-16LE
before applying theBase64
encoding. This can be done withCyberChef
as well. Of course it can. ↩︎